A single solution for all your email requirements.
Our email server can host all the email traffic for your needs, be it real email addresses, aliases or catch-all email redirection. Provided you don’t intend to spam, your emails will be safe and secure with us.
Incoming emails will be automatically filtered to make sure you get even less spam:
- checked against various distributed sender IP blacklists (reputation scores)
- greylisting
- bounce checks against invalid senders
- SPF enforced
- DKIM enforced
- checked for spam with Spamassassin
This is a culmination of years of perfecting email filtering techniques.
You will be able to reach your email inboxes in a secure fashion through
- POP3(s)
- IMAP(s)
- Webmail (roundcube)
Sending emails (outgoing email traffic) is also available via securely authenticated submission access.
We also provide secure sieve (mail filtering language) access to set up and manage your server-side filtering rules.