Handmade /han(d)ˈmeɪd/ (adjective): „Made by hand, not by machine, and typically therefore of superior quality.‟
Whenever no previously existing software will suit your exact needs, most of the time we can program something for you on our own. We have a proven track record of creating such software, which you can see in our references section.
It is a close cooperation with your colleagues in order to map out your requirements — and to ensure you’ll get what you exactly need. As such, it is an organic process as we fine-tune the software for you over time.
After the software is ready, we will host it for you to ensure its functionality and technical updates. We’ll also constantly keep in touch to ensure the software can follow and fulfill the challenges of the changing times.
Logistics software is our jam!
Our weapons of choice are:
- For the web
- Backend
- Python
- Django
- Pip-installable modules
- C++ for when something super-fast is required
- MariaDB
- Postgresql
- Python
- Frontend
- Webpack
- Vanilla Typescript
- Bootstrap
- Backend
- For Android devices
- Android Studio with Kotlin
- For the Desktop:
- C++ or Python
- Qt
- wxWidgets